Independent Media Alliance
International Non-Profit
«Make you Global. Bringing the world's most important ideas to your audience»
The Mission
We believe that any person, regardless of his or her language or origin, should have access to new ideas about the future of the planet, to a wide range of expert opinions from world leaders and thinkers, to understanding of main trends in various areas of knowledge and industries related to the society and sustainable development.
Goals and objectives
The goal of GBMA is consolidation of international experience to address global problems and find answers to the challenges facing humanity.

The objectives of GBMA are the formation of a global media community and free exchange of editorial content between the members of the Alliance around the world in compliance with all copyright regulations.
Our status
The Global Business Media Alliance is a non-profit organization founded and established by the Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society. We do not pursue commercial goals, nevertheless, we aim at the development of social awareness and strengthening of local media, giving them access to unique content that allows them to successfully and independently build their companies.
Our unique model
A unique feature of the Global Business Media Alliance is that it brings together not only journalists, but also experts writing and speaking on the most acute and socially and economically significant topics.
GBMA provides invaluable global opportunities for the Alliance's members and their audiences, offering readers around the world original, engaging and thoughtful insights from leading journalists, analysts and newsmakers.
GBMA accumulates high-quality expert commentary for a global audience from world innovators in the field of economics, politics, healthcare, technology, and culture. Through the exclusive contributions of prominent community leaders, policymakers, academics, business leaders, and civil activists from around the world, we provide our audience with cutting-edge analysis and understanding of the processes vital to the future of humankind and the sustainable development of the planet.
The GBMA contributors are prominent politicians, academics, business leaders, and civil activists from five continents. They include heads of states, CEOs of the largest companies, eminent public figures and academics in fields ranging from economics and politics to the natural sciences and cultural studies. All of them are respected specialists, their opinions are diverse, and they provide readers with the high-quality analysis of the situation in the world that the audience of the project requires.
What GBMA offers
• Access to information channels and applications released by the members of the Alliance (in 8 languages);
• Access to additional content, including videos, podcasts, analytics, etc.;
• Opportunity to collaborate with other GBMA members on publications and materials on topics of interest to you;
• Networking with journalists, experts, and newsmakers;
• Opportunity to participate in international educational programs implemented by GBMA partners;
• Opportunity to distribute your content to a global audience;
• Opportunity to participate in special events of the club format;
• And many other options.
We spend a lot of resources translating our publication into 8 languages. Providing these translations, often free of charge, we encourage free and independent discussions.

Many of the Alliance members will also be able to translate our materials into local languages, such as Hindi, Farsi and Swahili.
English / Russian / French / Italian / Spanish / Chinese / Arabic
How we do it
The concept is that the GBMA members around the world allow each other use their own materials free of charge (news, analytics, and expert opinions). Citation of the original sources and compliance with all copyright regulations are mandatory. Materials from the Alliance members will be accumulated and translated into 8 languages
Our main goal is to distribute information as widely as possible and for this reason we provide translations free of charge, it allows editors and journalists around the world to make simultaneous publications.

We are currently translating author's comments into 8 languages (English, Russian, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic). Thanks to the gratuitous assistance of our partner, some publications will be translated into other languages too.
The members of the Alliance are significant and have strong reputation in their countries and at the world level, their missions and goals include expansion of the audience of their media and distribution of unique ideas and useful cases for solving global and local problems.

Ultimately, the core audience of the Global Business Media Alliance is comprised of the informed, committed citizens around the world who recognize the value of a high-level open civil debate on the issues of global interest. These are the readers who seek to advance the common good by seeking joint solutions to collective problems.
Circle of the project's participants
Mass media that are the members of GBMA.

Members of the Global Business Media Club.

GBMA subscribers.

Independent observers and prominent journalists in the field of economics, social problems, and sustainable development of the planet.
GBMA partners.

Organizing Committee of GBMA.

GBMA secretariat.

Reputable experts in economics and other areas of knowledge.

Outstanding public figures and policy makers.
Our partners
Due to the fact that the mission of the project is non-commercial, the activities of the Alliance are based on donations from the Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society and a number of its partners who supported the project at the stage of start. We are grateful them for the help ect:
MGIMO University
Invitations to join the project as an educational partner were also sent to other Russian and foreign universities.
We especially value the support of the following colleagues and global professional unions:
We hope that the mission of the Alliance in the field of public interests will receive support from other foundations and organizations that are not indifferent to the goals of the Alliance related to expanding knowledge about various fields of human activity, supporting independent media in the world and forming a single global dialogue for the future of the planet.
Monthly business magazine FP.BusinessReview,

Institute for Strategic Communications and Social Projects.
Business News Media
(publisher of Vedomosti),
Our products
The Global Business Media Alliance aims to become an ecosystem of the leading media in the world, delivering socially significant information, expert commentaries and analysis on a wide range of global issues to the global audience:

social initiatives,

international relations,

healthcare system,



sustainable development and ESG,

climate change,

innovations and technologies.
GBMA provides each publisher with a wide range of sources and editorial instruments, including exclusive copyright subscriptions and content channels on:
• International economics;
• Finances;
• Sustainable development;
• Climate and ecology;
• Politics;
• Images of the Future;
• Culture;
• Innovations;
• Technologies;
• Healthcare and medicine;
• Education;
• Science;
• Media.
One of the products of the joint activity will be thematic applications (digests), which will be published in both print and digital formats.

The regularity of the publications is determined by the GBMA members.
1. Innovation and technology.
2. Sustainable Development (ESG).
3. Ecology and climate change.
4. Digital transformation.
5. Urbanism.
6. Climate change, environmental safety, sustainable development of regions.
7. Carbon-free economy.
8. Socio-economic transformation before and after the pandemic.
9. Labor migration within the country and cross-border.
10. Best business and management practices.
11. Demography.
12. Professions 2030 (what will be the demands of the labor market).
• One of the key products are thematic content channels and exclusive copyright subscriptions.

• Also another product of GBMA will be thematic applications to be released by the members of the Alliance.

• Support and initiative for the implementation of international educational programs (in cooperation with MGIMO and other Russian and foreign universities).
• The Global Business Media Alliance also offers collaborations to produce print and online publications and a wide range of additional editorial content, including videos, podcasts, in-depth analysis, interviews, magazines and book reviews.

• Integrating global business congresses and forums into the programs, the Global Business Media Alliance will hold teleconferences with the participation of journalists from the media, members of the Global Business Media Alliance.
• Conducting global thematic conferences.

• Organization of various educational programs.

• Organization of press tours and other corporate visits of the Alliance representatives to various countries to get acquainted with the business culture, the level of development of the media industry, business professional practices, and methods of the work of business media, as well as to get acquainted with the target audience of the countries.

• All these programs will be organized by the Global Business Media Alliance Organizing Committee.
Global Business Media Club projects:
Management of GBMA
The executive body for managing the activities of the Alliance is the Organizing Committee of GBMA. It includes the founders of the Alliance and 5 business mass media outlets, determined by the Organizing Committee and re-elected once every 3 years.

The advisory body of the Alliance is the Large Editorial Board of the Alliance, consisting of 30% of the media outlets participating in the Alliance. Its tasks include defining a development strategy for 3 years, approving timetables and formats for releasing information products, and participating in resolving intra-industry disputes.
Each GBMA member determines the channel for the distribution and announcement of the materials.

Agenda formation is the principle aim of the Alliance Organizing Committee and the Alliance Large Editorial Council. GBMA members also have the right to initiate the inclusion of other relevant topics in the agenda (as agreed and decided by the Alliance Organizing Committee and the Alliance Grand Editorial Council). GBMA members can either create materials specifically for the Alliance, or provide other editorial materials for international content exchange on their own initiative.
GBMA does not provide financial support to the members, does not deal with the protection of the professional rights of journalists and media editorial offices, it is only function is content exchange.

GBMA materials are published (broadcast in case of radio or TV) under a unified brand: "Media Name: Global Business Media Review" (example: VEDOMOSTI: Global Business Media Review, etc.)
paper/hard copy;



social media;

• Climate change, environmental safety, sustainable development of regions;
• Socio-economic transformation before and after the pandemic;
• Labor migration within the country and cross-border;
• Best business and management practices;
• Demography;
• Professions 2030 (what will be the demands of the labor market).
Algorithm of communication:
1. The Alliance members are informed about the topic of the month and the deadline (the frequency of collection of publications is once a month, but the thematic calendar is known to everyone in advance. This gives time for deep analysis).

2. The editorial staff of the participating media prepares material on the announced topics based on the situation in their country / metropolis.

3. Members of the Alliance send their materials (in the national language, in addition they can send a translation into English) to the global GBMA boards.

4. The founder (Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society) ensures that all received publications are translated into English.

5. Each member of the Alliance chooses the most interesting, in its opinion, publications on one topic, receiving a global international range of positions on one topic, etc.

6. The date and time of publication of each issue of Global Business Media Review in all countries is synchronized by the Founder.

7. When publishing the content of other members of the Alliance, the following rules must be observed:
Mention of the author's media (logo);
When translating into languages other than the original language of the media, an active link to the publication in the original language of the author media;
Material sent to the GBMA must be published on the resources of the media itself.
Thematic agenda:
Global Business Media Alliance Organizing Committee Secretariat:
Ivan Eremin
Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society
Mikhail Nelyubin
Business News Media
"FederalPress" media holding
Nadezhda Plotnikova
"FederalPress" media holding
Oleg Orlov
+7 (912) 221-01-41
Nadezhda Plotnikova
executive director
+34 685-073-279
Maxim Pokrovsky
partner coordinator
+7 (909) 003-75-13
Ekaterina Hoffman
media coordinator
+7 (922) 644-99-96
Dmitry Ovchinnikov
editor of news releases and media production
+7 (925) 044-21-60
Anastasia Stromwasser
translation center coordinator
Contact persons at Global Business Media Agency:
To manage the operations of the Alliance in 2022, the Global Business Media Agency was established, which provides the functions of the coordinator of interaction between the international members of the Alliance and the production center for linguistic translation and preparation of information products sent to business media publishers, universities and other information centers around the world, in within the declared goals of the Alliance.
Global Business Media Agency
Well-known representatives of the expert/academic communities and media industry, public figures and representatives of business from different countries.
GBMA Ambassadors:
Association of Managers of Russia.
Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society
Alexander Pisarevsky
GBMA is a global media alliance built on the principles of openness and cooperation. We will therefore gratefully acknowledge and respect the help of our partners, the global professional communities, including:
Media Associations:
GBMA intends to actively involve the largest universities in the world and expert and academic institutions. Invitations to join the project as an educational partner were sent to MGIMO and other Russian and foreign universities.
Academic partners:
The initiator of the creation of the Alliance is the Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society. Among the co-organizers are the publishing group Business News Media (publisher of the business newspaper Vedomosti), the Institute for Strategic Communications and Social Projects, and MGIMO University. Invitations to join the project in the status of an organizational partner were sent to the Association of Managers of Russia.
Founders of GBMA
The Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society was founded in 2017 by the famous Russian media manager Ivan Eremin.

Mr Eremin is the founder of one of the largest media holdings in Russia, a public figure, an active defender of the rights of the media community, a supporter of the approach to media as a socially important institution. With 23 years of experience in the media industry in Russia and abroad, Mr Eremin is the owner and manager of the country's largest media resources (national media holding FederalPress, business newspaper Vedomosti, publishing group Business News Media) and founder of the Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and Information Society.

Relying on the support of the professional community and his own media resources, as an impact entrepreneur, Mr Eremin decided to use the accumulated experience, practice and knowledge to implement non-commercial activities related to the development and support of independent media in Russia and abroad.

The Foundation for the Development of Media Communications and the Information Society was founded in 2017 with the mission to promote the development of independent media and media companies, as well as to facilitate the formation of a constructive discussion between society, the media and the authorities in developing effective tools and approaches applicable in the framework of lawmaking in the development of the information society in Russia.
The Foundation activities include:
1. Assistance in the formation of platforms for dialogue between representatives of the media industry, NGOs, and the state.

2. Active involvement of the expert industry community in legislative activities on the regulation of mass media and the formation of a balanced legislative framework for the development of the industry.

3. Implementation of educational programs for journalists (seminars, forums, summer schools, etc.)

4. Assistance in the implementation of programs for legal support of the media (together with the Center for Legal Support of Regional Media).

5. With the support of the Institute for Strategic Communications and Social Projects, research and educational events for journalists, as well as thematic business trips and press tours are carried out.
For more than twenty years, BNM has been publishing the federal business newspaper Vedomosti, as well as a number of other media outlets with an impeccable reputation. The main specialization of its publications is the news on economy, financial markets, technologies, and management. In addition, they have a unique experience of international cooperation with the world's largest publications.
MGIMO University
The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO) is one of the leading Russian and world universities, which trains specialists in 17 areas: international relations, foreign regional studies, economics (international economic relations), jurisprudence (international law), journalism (international journalism), political science, advertising and public relations, sociology, management, trade, ecology and environmental management, state and municipal administration, finance and credit, linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, personnel management, business informatics.

• About ten thousand students from Russia, CIS countries and other countries study at MGIMO.

• MGIMO University is one of the so-called "big three" Russian universities in the field of legal training.

• In 2010, it was officially entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the university with the largest number of state foreign languages (53 foreign languages).

• The University is member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs.